Mollifier Woman


Happy almost Valentine’s day everyone. We are counting down to Valentine’s day 2019 !!!!! Yeaaaah!!!! Hope you are all loving yourself unconditionally whilst wishing everyone else the best in life. Yes coming from a business and Accounting background right up to A levels; i thought i could invest my time and energy on business too, as i do have the skills and abilities. I can proudly say I do my own profit and loss account and balance sheet so well in running my organisation as a CEO. Thanks to my teacher, the late Mr Sellu of Harford School in Moyamba Sierra Leone and also Mr Danty of Albert Academy in Freetown. May Mr Sellu’s soul rest in peace. We have so much potential in ourselves, and sometimes we don’t search enough for greatness in our lives. There are times in life, you go through things secretly without saying anything. You know in your heart that the grace of God is with you, and there is nothing you can fear. I used that ability to pray fervently and asked my father in heaven to grant me that wish. Some people can hate you for what you have got, and what God had blessed you with. You have no idea, what my journey had been like. However, if you dear attempt to walk in my shoe, i will tell you now that you will end up loosing yourself in the process and loose your own identity. Meanwhile, please don’t hate! I decided to spread the love bug campaign the whole of January on my face book page because i felt in my heart that i had to let people know that hate will make you so unhappy. It’s a great way to teach people how to love by incorporating your actions to your fellow person. It’s so obvious certain people carry hate so badly and decided to write evil things against me just because of the incredible things I am doing at this point in my life. Jealousy, hate and evil minds stemmed from within. There is no better way to say this, but certain people feel that they can abuse you Emotionally by slandering and using deformation of character to spoil your image. The world is a dangerous place. Sometimes love can lead us to so many things in life. Hate will consume your life, you will have no room for happiness. I have decided to push myself forward in so many things because of reasons best known to me. However, i have always been a perfume lover, waiting patiently to do my own brand of perfume and other skin care products, i like to smell good and look splendid.

My brand for this year 2019 is called MOLLIFIER WOMAN Aout’s Grace. The reason why i choose the name, is that i was going through things emotionally end of 2018. I am a reflective thinker, and also a creative person. I have spent lot of my time on my own creating a platform to do this accurately. Meanwhile, I discovered myself in such an amazing way. This year is all about healthy living in what I eat, and also in what I put on my skin. All the skin care are made of natural based plant products. My first skin care products are body butter cream available in lime, coconut ?, Strawberry ?, and Pomegranate .When you love yourself, people sense that you are comfortable in your own skin and are instantly drawn to you. The ethos of MOLLIFIER WOMAN Aout’s Grace are “Fortitude of Smooth functioning in the power of courage”. Mollifier Woman exemplifies, dignify, class, style, & grace. My new perfume for women is called MOLLIFIER WOMAN AOUT Grace BELLE and the one for men is called MOLLIFIER Man feral orchid with cosmetic brand in skin care and hair products with lots more. I found myself really reflecting and asking my self who am i? Am I a MOLLIFIER WOMAN that knows exactly what she wants in life? MOLLIFIER means smooth functioning in mathematics. The English dictionary 2019, defines it as “smooth function with special properties, used in distribution theory to create sequences of smooth functions approximating nonsmooth (generalized) functions, via convolution“. Basically, it is someone that lessen the fuel ⛽️ of a blaze that goes on in any form of fire ? in ones life, as I tend to soothe the process of it all. This is very important, as it enables myself other women to give voice to those less heard, manipulative purposes, slander of deformation of character, challenge people that you can do whatever you set your minds to do. It’s what makes me different to so many other things at a time when women feels less important, fearing that they cannot achieve great things in life. I am not in competition with no one but myself and i have set a bar for my two girls to follow through. It’s still a learning curve for me, but I am getting there by the grace of God. I needed peace in my life and inorder to attract that concept that would suit my emotional being i decided to get a brand. Most times i learned to keep things quietly, and work behind the scenes because you never know how people can portray things in life. I have been reaĺly working hard towards this silently, diligently and focusing on every little details.

Last month i put up a survey about perfumes because i wanted to know all the perfume lover’s, people’s preferences on perfumes, and what ingredients in my own mind that i needed to choose on my own brand of perfumes. I was really happy with all the responses. Thank you so much! Today i present to you my brand name Mollifer Woman Aout’s Grace . MOLLIFIER WOMAN, is all about beautifying products on your every day essentials, smelling good in yourself, your home, glowing your own body and many more products. I will be adding different products to my collection every now and again. This will totally depend on my mood and character.

Have a vision and remain focused. No matter the obstacles you will succeed through God’s direction. Don’t let people break you with silly deliberate act of wickedness and jealousy. Never, never give up on your dreams. No matter how things are difficult. Keep pressing on and keep on keeping on!!!!.If someone tells you that you are not going to achieve your goals. Achieve them and take pictures”(Meghan McCormick). To be successful in life, you will have so many bricks throwing at you. However, you must have the courage to build upon whatever types of bricks thrown at you.

Whenever you catch yourself judging, pruning and nit-picking another person, you must realize that you are stepping outside of the realm of love; worse still, you are wasting valuable and irretrievable time, energy and effort that should be re-directed to pruning yourself. Step back to into your own lane and invest valuable time and effort into running your own race. Understand that people owe you nothing and concentrate in writing the best script for your life. A better-improved, wiser, kinder and more loving you is sure to attract the same in others and even the worst of humankind will make exceptions when dealing with you because you house a presence that is undeniably more powerful than anything else. Love elevates and transcends nit-picking or judgment.

Who am I beneath the noise?

Who am I beneath the thoughts?

Who am I beneath the fear, the doubt, the limitations and disbelief?

Look within and notice that you are not your thoughts, look within and notice that you are not your fears, look within and notice that you are not the opinions of other people.

Look within and notice at your core, in your heart, you are a beautifully blessed gorgeous soul having a magical human experience ??.

Today, i am kindly asking you all for your support in sharing my brand and purchasing them as well. I will be grateful also, if you can search within your heart; to show love, and compassion to your fellow human being, and not to hate. This world is not our own, we are just passing through to our final destination not knowing the time or the day. Have we grown in love and tolerance? We have a lot to account for to the master in heaven. Guess what?. Every product you buy from Mollifier woman, £5 would be donated to sickle cell Intervention and ASCC4ER in support of sickle cell disease. My brand will be in distribution globally. If you would like to be an agent in a country, please feel free to drop an email to All ingredients of the brand has been clearly selected by myself and a team of experts .

“Fortitude of Smooth functioning in the power of courage” (Mollifier Woman Aout’s Grace).

Sending you peace, light and love!!!

Your’s Sincerly


Augusta Elizabeth Koroma

Author, Public Health Consultant, School Governor, CEO SICKLE CELL INTERVENTION UK, CEO ASCC4ER, Secretary for Africa Security forum UK, Conference Speaker, Entrepreneur, Stakeholder for NICE guidelines U.K. and NHS U.K.
International Travel Consultant Tewoh Group Ltd.

CEO of Mollifier Woman Aout’s Grace.

Listen to Michelle Williams – Say Yes ft. Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland by #np on #SoundCloud I have personally met her in person during a tour at KICC prayer city in Chatham kent.


English Dictionary , 2019. Mollifier. [Online]. Available at :<>doc-en>. [Accessed 11/02/19].

McCormick, M., 2019. Want To Build A Global Brand From Africa? “. Here’s How. [Online]. Available at: <>. [Accessed 20/1/2019].

Williams, M., Rowland, K., Knowles B., 2014. When Jesus Say Yes. [Online]. Available at:<<wbr>djmagkenya/michelle-williams-<wbr>say-yes-ft-beyonce-kelly-<wbr>rowland>. [Accessed 6/2/2019].


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